(CoinMarketCap)MEGA Pool Detailed Project Description

Mega Pool
2 min readSep 12, 2022


## What Is MEGA Pool?

MEGA Pool is a decentralized lottery contests ecosystem, but in a totally transparent and decentralized way that makes the reward easier to obtain by recognizing victory even with 2 hits, as well as generating dividends for those who are always betting and lifetime earnings for those who contribute with the pre-sale.

#### MEGA (native)

$MEGA is the native token that is used for:

* Receives 15% of all entries and store in DIVIDEND POOL;
* Each token represents a percentage in the DIVIDEND POOL;
* There will be 1 mining stage of 10.000.000 tokens;
* 8% of the DIVIDEND POOL is paid every 24 hours (00:00 UTC);
* Mining price is 10 $BUSD;
* Holders only need (5) tokens to receive dividends.

## What happens when reach the MAX SUPPLY (10.000.000)?

* Holders receive 92% of the dividend pool one time;
* All tokens is reseted;
* The mining stage starts again with 0 $MEGA.

## How do I get $MEGA?

* Every time you buy a ticket, you will receive a number of tokens according to the number of hits.
* The MORE hits, the LESS reward token.
* You will receive $MEGA according to the mining price (1 for 10 $BUSD) and number of hits:

6 hit = 0% of $MEGA reward
5 hits = 25% of $MEGA reward
4 hits = 50% of $MEGA reward
3 hits = 100% of $MEGA reward
2 hits =100% of $MEGA reward
1 hit = 100% of $MEGA reward
0 hits =100% of $MEGA reward

Example: https://docs.megapool.site/usdmega-token/how-do-i-get-usdmega

#### MEGI (ERC 721)

MEGA Investor ($MEGI) is the ERC721 token that is used for:

* Receives 5% of all entries and store in INVESTOR POOL;
* Each token represents a percentage in the INVESTOR POOL;
* There will be 1 sell stage of 3950 tokens;
* 100% of the INVESTOR POOL is paid every 24 hours (00:00 UTC);
* Token price is 75 $BUSD;
* Holders only need (1) token to receive dividends;
* (50) $MEGI were separated for airdrops, giveaways and content creators.

### Where Can I Buy MEGA Investor (MEGI)?

* Starting of public sales: 09/12/2022 00:00 UTC;
* Link: https://megapool.site/pre-sale

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Mega Pool

MEGA Pool provides decentralized contests with rewards for its users in $BUSD for up to 2 hits, in addition to daily dividends and lifetime earning