MEGA Pool X VILECHAIN: Building a new website with 3 languages and implementation of dApp in new protocols.

Mega Pool
2 min readSep 6, 2022


MEGA Pool is pleased to announce that we are providing two new languages and three new protocols in partnership with VILECHAIN, dApp engineers, experts in smart contracts and interfaces.

At MEGA Pool, we look to a future where anyone at any time is using any protocol in any language and playing to earn.

Providing support and development resources to help them create an immersive and satisfying gameplay for all players.

By partnering with VILECHAIN, we are bringing the newest updated of UI/UX, smart contract consulting and dApp development. Prioring safety, transparency and usability.

To accelerate the growth of the MEGA Pool, we’re enabling VILECHAIN to build an exclusive website and pre-sale dApp on our server.

This association will enable us to support VILECHAIN by providing them with 30% of dev pool and resources that they require to create a contest ecosystem in 4 protocols with 3 languages. This will inevitably boost the visibility and accessibility of the project and induce massive liquidity.

Furthermore, the creation of the MEGA Pool on 4 protocols will give you 3 more chances to be a part of the team of MEGA Pool contributing with the presale. The partnership aims to enhance the interactivity of blockchain finance and betting for a future where we can no longer bear to feel cheated.


DApp engineers, experts in blockchain, marketplaces, NFTs, token creation, game creation, metamask integrations, smart contracts creation, consultancy, web3 acessoring and more.

Professionals with more than 11 years at web2 and 2 years at web3, bringing innovation and reliability because it is a team that thinks about transparency and security


About MEGA Pool:

MEGA Pool provides decentralized contests with rewards for its users in $BUSD for up to 2 hits, in addition to daily dividends for those who use the platform frequently.

MEGA Pool is a contests ecosystem that makes the reward easier to obtain by recognizing victory even with 2 hits, as well as generating ‘cashback’ in tokens that grant holders dividends from all contests. We chose a lottery modality that is carried out by the government in most nations.

We decided to use the lottery modality that already works, but in a totally transparent and decentralized ecosystem, generating dividends for those who are always betting and lifetime earnings for those who contribute to the pre-sale.

MEGA Pool Official Channels

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Mega Pool

MEGA Pool provides decentralized contests with rewards for its users in $BUSD for up to 2 hits, in addition to daily dividends and lifetime earning